Competitiveness Index Reports

The competitiveness index report series consists of the:

  • World Knowledge Competitiveness Index
  • European Competitiveness Index
  • UK Competitiveness Index

Reports can be downloaded for free within our Downloads section.

You can find out more about the background of these reports below.

World Knowledge Competitiveness Index

The World Knowledge Competitiveness Index was first introduced in 2002, and is now published biennially, with the 2008 edition now available for Download.

The European Competitiveness Index

The European Competitiveness Index measures, compares and examines the competitiveness of Europe’s regions and nations. Competitiveness is defined as the capability of an economy to maintain increasing standards of living for those who participate in it, by attracting and maintaining firms with stable or rising market shares in an activity. As such, the competitiveness of a region will depend on its ability to anticipate and successfully adapt to internal and external economic and social challenges, by providing new economic opportunities, including higher quality jobs.

The importance of the concept of competitiveness is now firmly embedded within economic policymaking in Europe, and indeed around the world. As such, measuring, understanding and analysing competitiveness at a number of geographic levels has become a vital factor in creating an informed dialogue that can contribute to a policy environment attuned to enhancing the economic performance of Europe’s nations and regions.

Since the first European Competitiveness Index report, the face of the EU has since changed dramatically

The UK Competitiveness Index

The UK Competitiveness Index, which was first introduced in April 2000, represents the most up-to-date, thorough and authoritative benchmarking of the competitiveness of the UK’s regions and localities.

The UK Competitiveness Index has been designed as an integrated measure of competitiveness focusing on both the development and sustainability of businesses and the economic welfare of individuals. In this respect, we consider the most appropriate definition of competitiveness to be the capability of an economy to attract and maintain firms with stable or rising market shares in an activity, while maintaining stable or increasing standards of living for those who participate in it. This makes clear that competitiveness is not a zero-sum game, and does not rely on the shifting of a finite amount of resources from one place to another.


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